Welcome to EMEDEA! 

Emedea is a cluster of organisations based in Croatia, that promotes sustainable development in the Adriatic region!

We drive change through education, youth engagement, events & projects in employment,

entrepreneurship, STEM, culture, sport, health & environment. 

We are enthusiastic about offering assistance to businesses, public bodies, and non-profit organisations in the Adriatic region as our specialisation lies in supporting them in the development, preparation, and implementation of sustainable projects and initiatives.

Let us unite and confront the forthcoming challenges and opportunities together as we strive

to build a more eco-friendly and promising future!

Blog and News

Šesti Forum Organizacija mladih Jadransko-jonske regije u Šibeniku, 15.05.2024.

What a pleasure being surrounded by so many young people from across the Adriatic Ionian region today, each of them sharing invaluable insights on a wide range of topics such as sustainable tourism, creative industries, circular economy, digitalisation, social inclusion, and governance. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to contribute to a society that should definitely listen them much more - was truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and vision. Let's reconvene in Šibenik this September for more transformative discussions! Interreg DEMY-Coop project Adriatic Ionian Euroregion Eurelations Eeig Eusair Facility Point #EUSAIR #Interreg Adriatic Ionian Youth Network 

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Why embrace sustainable development?

Firstly, sustainable development is a response to the urgent environmental, social, and economic challenges facing our world today, from the post-pandemic economic consequences to the ripple effects of conflicts on global food and energy markets.

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Our Projects 

The Pathfinder to a Better Tomorrow 

"This project  focuses on empowering human resources for the labor market in our region. As part of the project, trainings on cultivation, processing, and commercialisation of medicinal plants in the Dalmatia region were organized. 


The Demy Coop project aims to engage young people more effectively in decision-making processes at the national and European levels in Croatia and Italy. It is funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia program and is currently being implemented.

Blue Adriatic 

Within the "Blue Adriatic" project, we have successfully orchestrated five magnificent undertakings of underwater cleansing in our region! This initiative has been funded by  the contributions from the Environmental Protection Fund and organisations within our vicinity.

Partnership Council for the Labour Market  

The  Emedea was established within this project. The  project's objective was to provide support to institutions and organisations in our county in strengthening the capacity of individuals and make them more competitive in the labor market.

STOP  PTSD- I Feel Good! 

The project aimed to establish a digital program and platform for treating PTSD among the veteran population of the Homeland War in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Europe Direct of ŠKC 

Emedea is a partner and provides support to the Development Agency of Šibenik-Knin County (ŠKC)  in implementing the Europe Direct ŠKC program in our region. Europe Direct  ŠKC is a contact point of European Commission in our region. 

" You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

– R. Buckminster Fuller