Project: Demy-Coop Decision-Making Youth for CB COOPeration

The DEMY-Coop project focuses on engaging youth in strategic policy-making addressing the inequalities and challenges faced by young people in the aftermath of the pandemic. By prioritizing youth involvement in decision-making and policy formulation, this Small-scale project aims to facilitate an inclusive and sustainable recovery, emphasizing the well-being and active participation of young individuals in various social, economic, and political spheres.

The project is alligned with SO 5- Integrated governance for stronger cooperation; SO 5.1 - Better cooperation for governance

Start date: 01/08/2023; End date:31/12/2024.

Total Budget: 234.575

Project activities 

  • To facilitate youth engagement in strategic decision-making processes by activating both Local or Regional Authorities and Youth Organisations and raise their awareness about the benefit of cross-border cooperation for a better, more meaningful youth engagement
  • To increase Local and Regional Authorities and Youth Organisations's capacities to collaborate and co-design strategic policies also through cross-border cooperation
  • Building capacities of public authorities and stakeholders of improving legal and administrative collaboration and governance-related mechanisms in the Programme area.
  • Strengthening communication channels among main stakeholders and different governance levels in Italy and Croatia.

Demy-Coop News

Održani sastanci s jedinicama lokalne samouprave u ŠKŽ vezani za unaprijeđenje angažmana mladih!

Sa zadovoljstvom vas obavještavamo da su u lipnju ove godine održani prvi sastanci Emedea-e s predstavnicima udruga mladih i jedinicama lokalnih samouprava u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji. Na sastancima smo raspravljali o unapređenju procesa involviranja mladih u lokalne i regionalne inicijative, kao i sektorima u kojima mladi mogu značajno doprinijeti radu lokalne samouprave.

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Šesti Forum organizacija mladih Jadransko-jonske regije održan u Šibeniku 15.05.2024.

It was a real  pleasure being surrounded by so many young people from across the Adriatic Ionian region today, each of them sharing invaluable insights on a wide range of topics such as sustainable tourism, creative industries, circular economy, digitalisation, social inclusion, and governance. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to contribute to a society that should definitely listen them much more - was truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and vision. Let's reconvene in Šibenik this September for more transformative discussions! Interreg DEMY-Coop project Adriatic Ionian Euroregion Eurelations Eeig Eusair Facility Point #EUSAIR #Interreg Adriatic Ionian Youth Network 

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The Demy Coop Newsletter!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘-𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐩 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 team is thrilled to release the 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 with updates about the achievements of the first project period.

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U gradu Campobasso u Italiji održan prvi sastanak partnera na projektu Demy- Coop

U studenom 2023.g. održan je "kick off" sastanak projekta Demy Coop u talijanskoj regiji Molise u Italiji. Sastanku su prisustvovali svi partneri projekta a održane su prezentacije o upravljanju projektom, financijama, izvještavanju ali i o samo temi projekta- odnosno načinima angažiranja mladi na prekograničnom području u procese donošenja političkih odluka kako na regionalnim i nacionalnim, tako i na Europskoj razini . 

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Galerija fotografija   videa s prekograničnog foruma mladih u Šibeniku - 04. do 05.12. 2024.g.